Happy Women’s Day.
Can be a hefty subject, or can be a simple reason to call your mom, redirect reverence to the human body, call to remembrance trail blazers, release something new of your own voice, or gather.

I’ve got too much to say and ponder, so instead I’m making music, paintings, praying, reading and having really interesting conversations with people about gender, sexism, and grandmothers. And hey, Open Book Art Collective met last night and it was pretty damn zingy too. People are doing amazing things as they gather and widen their circles, realizing their cause connects to so many other good causes, calls for change and healing and committed listening. We suck at it a lot of the time — there’s a lot of disheartening, sick things in the world, and great intentions that fall apart in form, but there’s also so much good gathering…
In the spirit of that, I’d like to share a collaboration with other female musicians in honour of today I got to be a part of with my music and illustration. A little thing, that can lead to other little good things.

This is a first mixtape from Terrified Swan Records featuring artists from New York, Montreal, Berlin, Singapore, Melbourne and elsewhere. All proceeds go to Pads4Girls which is a practical education initiative for girls.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the playlist & donate here if you will: